Hair Growth Problems? We Have Your Back

GlossyFinds – 4th April 2016

I have spent my entire life trying to grow my hair longer, but I cannot seem to get it past my shoulders. However, I refuse to give up. I have tried everything the market has to offer, so I am going to save you some time and effort and show you exactly what makes a difference and what doesn’t. 

I have found six main ways to actually increase growth and improve hair quality, and although they haven’t given me Rapunzel locks, it has made a difference over time. So, here we go…

1.Use a Tangle Teezer


Tangle Teezer, ($16; Urban Outfitters)

Tangle Teezers stop hair breakage and detangle gently, so if you are starting out with lengthening your hair, make this the first change, as it will be delicate on your fragile locks! 

2.Do not color your hair


Next up, refrain from coloring your hair. Ask your hairdresser to take you back to your natural color and then steer clear from the hairdresser’s coloring table for at least a year! Do go back for a trim every 8 weeks to cut off any dead ends.

3.Try extensions



I have tried half wigs, clip-ins and weaves, but the only one that actually made my hair grow was Easilocks. They use tiny clips that clasp onto your hair strands rather than being on the root or glued in (it takes the pressure off the scalp), and they last 3-5 months. I found that, while wearing them, I wasn’t using any heat on my hair and it made a huge difference to the quality and growth. Just be sure to give your hair a 6-month break in between re-fits– it gives you time to get it stronger and longer!

4.Take vitamins


Name a vitamin and I can guarantee I have taken it! Currently, I am on Iron, Vitamin C, Cod Liver Oil and Hair strengthening. I have just started the Sugar Bear vitamins, too! They all work in providing your skin, hair and nails with all they need but if you just want to maintain your hair, only take the Sugar Bear (or any other Biotin supplement). 

They contain Vitamin A, C, D, E, B-6 and B-12 alongside Folic Acid, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, Iodine, Zinc, Choline and Inositol. This gives your hair the daily recommended amounts of each, and they are made with real berries and coconut oil for a fruity flavour. It makes taking these vitamins easy! 

5.Use Coconut Oil

coconut oil

This is a really easy way to ensure strong hair and no split ends. Each time you wash your hair, rub coconut oil on the ends whilst it is wet and use it on the ends of dry hair after styling. Not only does it make your hair smell lush, it really nourishes the ends. I find that I see growth in my hair at the roots after everything I try, but don’t notice a difference in length because my hair has broken off; this should stop breakage from happening, and your bimonthly trips to the hair dressers should help maintain it.

6.Try a hair growth shampoo and conditioner


HAIR JAZZ Shampoo & Lotion, ($39; Harmonylife)

I really went all out 3 months ago and tried a hair growth treatment. I found that my roots had doubled in just a month and I actually saw a difference in length. The only thing I noticed was that it really dried out my ends, so I did weekly hot oil to help that. 

These treatments last between 2-3 months but do come with a price tag. On a budget? Change your shampoo and conditioner to sulphate free. It really will make a difference!

Did you find these tips useful, do you have hair problems of your own? Tell us in the comments below!


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